Install Deb Package On Arch Linux Beginners

Install Deb Package On Arch Linux Beginners Average ratng: 9,1/10 188 reviews

In diesem Tutorial zeige ich wie man.deb Dateien unter ArchLinux installieren. Install Arch Linux The. Linux for Beginners: YUM Package Manager. The nodejs- legacy package installs a node symlink that is needed by many modules to build and run correctly. Support for this repository, along with its scripts, can be found on Git. There is no tool to install Ubuntu packages on Arch and there is no guarantee that every Ubuntu package has an Arch equivalent. Arch has its own official repositories with thousand of packages, and besides that the Arch User Repository, that allows you to compile a package from source.

Active8 months ago

The problem is simple - I have a .deb package and I want to install it on my Arch Linux. Is this possible? If yes, how?


4 Answers

Is it possible? Yes. Is it a good idea? That depends. You would only really need to do this if the application only exists as a .deb package. It is much more likely that you can just grab the upstream source and write a simple PKGBUILD to install it with pacman.

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You should also search the AUR to ensure that someone hasn't done this already.

Install Deb Package On Arch Linux Beginnersjasonwryanjasonwryan
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dpkg for Arch exists. You should be able to install .deb packages on arch, but you should also not use it instead of pacman, so just use it for selected few packages.

The default command looks like:

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Possible? Yes, but different methods exist on basis of use case.

Assumption: The debian package doesn't have an equivalent package in the Arch (or Arch based Distribution's) official repository.

  1. Install yaourt using pacman:

Reason: yaourt is a front-end(CLI-based) for pacman used to query & install AUR packages. In case the debian package has already been repackaged as an AUR by someone else.

Install Deb File On Linux

  1. Install the package_name using yaourt:

note: replace package_name with the name of the debian package as found in the AUR. It'll attempt to install the dependencies on it's own using pacman.


Assumption: The Debian package hasn't been repackaged as an Arch package in AUR yet.

  1. Install debtap from yaourt:

  2. Create equivalent package using debtap:

  3. Install using pacman:

Not the recommended way (possibly dangerous)

This method attempts to install the package using the debian packaging format on Arch, which is not recommended due to possible danger of corrupting your installation. If using this method it is recommended to be ready with a rescue disc image of Arch & backup of the user data/space.

  1. Install dpkg using yaourt:

  2. Install the debian package using dpkg:


You can install dpkg by: yaourt dpkg.

If you don't have yaourt, you can get it from its AUR page.

Then just cd to where you put it and dpkg -i package.deb whatever the package may be


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